Nijhum Dwip
NijhumDwip is a small island located in Hatiyaupazila in Noakhali. In previous it was called Char Osmani,Baluar Char, Golden Island. One of the main attractions in this island is the migratory birds. During winter the whole place turns into an amazing place for all those who search for uniqueness in the nature. This place is rich with different wild animals especially deer. You can ask for help from local guides for further help.
The best time to visit this place is in the middle of October to April. To go there you need to reach Sonapur, Noakhlai. There you will find CNG to go to Chairman Ghat. Once you reach Chairman Ghatyou will find speedboat, sea-truck etc which will take you to HatiyaNalchira. From there you will get motorbike to reach MoktariaGhat. Then you will take troller boat to reach BandortilaGhat in NijhumDwip. This entire process might cost you around 2000 taka but it is worth the money and the time.